Purposefully cultivating a hunger for God’s presence and an openness to experiencing the Holy Spirit that deepens our friendship with God and our awareness that we carry His presence for the sake of the world.
As God encounters us in His Word, faith is released into our lives. Studying God’s truth empowers us to believe in who He is, who we are, and how He wants us to live.
We have a God-given mission to reach this area. No amount of money, resources or effort is insignificant in our attempts to reach those in need of Jesus. Therefore, we unapologetically set goals and measure progress through all available means.
We will love, forgive, show mercy and accept all people, because every person is invaluable and irreplaceable.
Our staff and church will go above and beyond to give to the work of God in our community.
They are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today. We will equip, train, and commission the next generation.
We will keep dreaming and doing. We will take giant steps of faith and watch God do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.
We will volunteer our talents, passion, time and energy to accomplish the mission of our church.
We are created to function best when we leave isolation and move into a loving community of God’s people.
We are responsible for what God has entrusted to us, knowing that He will give us more. We will not take this for granted.